affert's assorted observations

i'm affert. this is my blog.

Monday, January 10, 2005

I'm a nerd

I am nerdier than 76% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Well, I'm a nerd. I'm 3/4s nerd. I get a C in the nerd grade book.

Ok, I'm done saying dumb things about that.

Today was a fun day. Jon Rasbach (a good friend all growing up) came over for lunch today, and we hung out for a the start of the afternoon. This evening, Jerry Lucas came and spoke at our church. He's a teacher of memory techniques. It was very interesting. As just a side story, he told of when he was a little kid on a long car trip, he taught himself to spell alphabetically. IE Tree would be eert. Book would be bkoo. Different would be deeffinrt. It isn't a useful skill, but was really neat, and weird at the same time.

I got to talk to Ann on the phone this evening :) I'm very glad that my dad's cell phone has unlimited nights and weekends. Chris Erickson also came over, and we played poker. I won, but near the end, we were both playing recklessly since we knew he had to go soon. It was fun.

Goodnight everyone.


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