affert's assorted observations

i'm affert. this is my blog.

Sunday, September 11, 2005


So I've spent the past two days just sitting on my couch waiting for my ankle to heal. And it looks like I'm going to be doing that again today.

It is feeling quite a bit better today. I can put light pressure on it without it hurting, so I don't have to hop around anymore. My left leg is quite happy about that, it's not used to going solo in transporting me around. The swelling is down quite a bit, and it is developing a really cool looking purple bruise :) I'm hoping it will be well enough that I'll be able to work starting tomorrow, but we'll see what tomorrow brings.

My girlfriend is awesome. She bought me this CD: Pachelbel's Greatest Hit. She knows Pachelbel's Canon in D is my favorite song, so she found this CD with 15 different arrangements of it. As with any CD like that, not all of them are good, but most of them are :) I've been listening to it over and over, as I sit here.

I'm hoping to finish up the dragonscale bracelet that I've been working on. Dragonscale is very cool looking, but much harder to do than over weaves. (Here is a description of Dragonscale).

BTW, this is funny

Well, that all I've got to say for now.


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